Hybrid Observability

Server Monitoring

Monitoring server performance is imperative to ensure uptime and great user experiences for web sites, applications and business services.

Server Monitoring Agent and Agentless

Capture and aggregate critical availability and performance metrics for server infrastructure across on-prem and cloud. Metrics, alerts, incidents, reports, and dashboards help IT operations teams analyze the health of their technology services and the underlying compute instances in a single place. OpsRamp’s server monitoring capabilities include both agent-based and agentless techniques.

Server Monitoring with OpsRamp

OpsRamp ITOM software delivers complete server monitoring capabilities including container monitoring, Windows service monitoring, and event log monitoring.

Key Benefits and Capabilities

✔️Ensure server availability and prevent data loss.

✔️Track responsiveness to meet SLAs for page loads and transactions.

✔️Maintain reliability and drive capacity planning by moving workloads when server capacity thresholds are nearing.

✔️Proactively detect and prevent any issues that might affect server performance.

✔️Identify areas for workload optimization and reduce waste through eliminating underutilized servers.


OpsRamp automatically curates dashboards upon onboarding.…


OpsRamp aggregates CPU and memory utilization…


OpsRamp tracks standard OS metrics including…


OpsRamp discovers Windows OS services, sends…