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AWS Cloud Monitoring

Visualize, manage, and troubleshoot your dynamic cloud architectures with OpsRamp’s support for 50+ AWS services.

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Administrator’s Guide to AWS Monitoring Tools


Here’s how OpsRamp’s cloud monitoring and management and powerful integrations help you handle the fast-moving world of Amazon Web Services (AWS) with clarity and ensures that your critical AWS cloud services are working to your full advantage.

Multi-Cloud Visibility

Stream CloudTrail events for dynamic discovery so that you can track the creation and deletion of cloud instances in real-time. View relevant performance metrics for your AWS services with our CloudWatch integration and multi-cloud infrastructure monitoring.

Cloud Cost Insights

Understand the key reasons behind your cloud bills across cloud accounts, resource types and custom attributes. Assign global tags in AWS to access detailed cloud spend by business unit or IT services.

Extract Signal From Noise

Drive quicker remediation for cloud incidents with OpsRamp’s intelligent event management capabilities. Analyze and correlate raw events and alerts from CloudWatch to resolve issues with faster speed and greater accuracy.

AWS CloudWatch + OpsRamp

Gain the right operational insights for your cloud infrastructure by combining AWS CloudWatch metrics with OpsRamp’s digital operations management platform.

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